Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Ollies first sleep-over at his Uncle Ryno and Aunty Wella..

Last weekend we moved back home seeing as our kitchen is almost done - we had busy saterday and sunday getting the house ready... Ryan and Wella graciously offered to have Mr Oliver sleep over on saterday night and we are so grateful! We got so much done AND we had a little alone time in our newly renovated home, it was heavenly!!
The night started off with a little crying and he took a bit longer to settle but once he settled he seemed to have slept well!

I dig his morning face!!!
 They did poor Jerry's hair.... then Wella's hair and apparently Lolly just laughed!
 Mr had free reign in the kitchen and stole some of their scrambled eggs...

Needless to say it went down so well and Mr came back happy and he even whispered to me "mommy, can I sleep over again soon?" (Wella, you hear that? :)
So grateful for family who love my child as much as we do - so grateful for Ry and Wella!

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