My boy is a special little munchkin, he is shy and tends to be nervous and anxious in crowds. I am still getting to know and understand this precious boy with his little quirks.
One of his little quirks of late is NOT wanting to go to Sunday school alone - he wont let us leave him and he asks the same set of questions every Sunday.
What day is it today mom? Is it Sunday?,
Are we going to church?
Am I going to Sunday School? DO I HAVE TO GO?
I don't want to go!
Who will come with me (the answer always being me)
I want dad to come with me (every week!)
Possibly a few tears and a couple minutes of sulking.....
And once we are there he is TOTALLY FINE with me hovering around Sunday school like a crazy stalker :)
Last week Ollie won a obstacle course in his Sunday school group...
Bless this child and his weekly questions :)