Thursday, 26 December 2013

.... a few more....

a few more family pics from our shoot a few weeks ago!
Ollie and his beloved "che che".

BIG boy...

Our precious boys is getting TOO big - look how old he looks....
He is getting a very stubborn mind of his own and had his first real tantrum yesterday! We are now having to learn how to deal with things like tantrums (much to my dismay). He didnt want to go down for his afternoon nap and he SCREAMED in his cot.... we figured the best way to deal with it was leave him to scream so he knows that his outburst wont change the fact that sleep time is sleep time. He had another scream session at bedtime and we did the same and I am so happy to say today he went down for his naps and sleep fine! Just when we think we are on top of things then this little guy changes and we have to learn how to deal with him :)
He tests us and makes us tired BUT he makes us laugh just as much and we could not love him anymore!
My little boy is getting so BIG!

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Merry Christmas...

Merry Christmas loved one!!
Thank you Lord for sending your son to be born and thank you for our amazing families!!
Merry Merry..... here we come!

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Steve Mandy

Steve and I used to work at Liberty together YEARS ago.... he is an amazing artist and i recently bumped into him again and we got chatting. He came into the office to do a demo of his art work and for organising it he did a shirt for me as a demo!
Steve paints on fabric with JIK - no kidding, this painting was done on a shirt with bleach!! I was amazed!!
I of course chose the best image i had.....

I mean how amazing is this???
It took all of 45min and he was done!!!! I LOVE it and it looks amazing on....
I ordered Mikes batman shirt from Steve for his birthday too!... I have a feeling I will be ordering plenty more in the future!!

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Happy birthday Munkeltt!

Today is Mikes birthday - he is a whole 34 today!!! We have spent 11 birthdays together and I look forward to many many more! I am working today but Mike is on leave so we had to exchange pressies before work!
Ollie saved up his pocket money and bought his dad a special gift!
and then of course when you have a cutie around it becomes all about them :)

Happy birthday bean! Love you so much.... what would my life be without you?

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Some more family pics...

I havent finished showing you my pics that were taken of Ollie a little while ago...

Father and son :)

There is still more to come.....

Thank you husband!

Mike had a meeting at pavillion before he went into work today.... on the way home he dropped off a wimpy coffee for me at work! THANK YOU HUSBAND!
I am sorting through a million files today so this is a huge pick me up!

I am never happier than when I am drinking some good coffee....

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Kaycee Morgan.

On the weekend we had a lovely visit from a good old friend of Mikes and now dear friends of mine!! Greg and D had a beautifull little girl 3 months ago, after a hard pergnancy and a very hard birth Kaycee has recoverd beautifully and is the cutest little thing ever!!
She now weighs 3.7kgs at 3 months old (take note Oliver weighed 4kgs at birth) so to me this little munchkin is TINY!!
She is a little joy and treasure and so good!
The two proud dads showing off the babies!!
(the flash always made Oliver blink - tooo funny)

Our Rudolf....

My little car has been transformed....
A little fun for the christmas season!!

Turning 30.

I turned 30 yesterday and had a perfect day - no frills and parties, no huge big fuss - just family time and mike time! My day started off with a special treat.... I got to sleep in and was presented with a breakfast which Mike and I ate on the patio!
Then mike gave me my present and I was blown away. We dont give gifts usually - mike will write me a letter or a story (i love stories) BUT this year was special - he painted me a picture of our favourite person in the world - Ollie!
This is the BEST present ever..... it is the perfect way to capture our life at the moment and the joy of turning 30 was only amplifed by having Ollie this year!!!

Then we had tea with Mikes folks, my folks and ryan... was some lovely family time!!
Then home for lunch and then we went to watch a movie for the first time in over a year!!!

A perfect day to turn 30!

Friday, 13 December 2013

Getting there....

I have finally joined a gym again - its about time and I know it will help me loose some of my baby weight and feel so much better again!!
I need to get fit and healthy and feel better about myself - 6am tomorrow I am going in for an evaluation, weigh (gosh), meal plan and excercise plan....

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Our little clown

Ollie is a little clown - he really is!! He loves to put things on his head and then sit there and look at us to make us laugh!!

He also like to eat his bath ducks and bite our fingers!!

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

The only way to shop...

The only way to shop is with a coffee and a list....
 I had to pop out and get a little christmas party shopping done. I left Mike with ollie, ordered a coffee and an hour later I was home and all shopped out!

Tonight is our homegroup christmas party which we are hosting - got a lot to do when I get home :)Lately I have been so unorganised.... lucky its a nice chilled braai so not much to organise!

Monday, 9 December 2013

A little christmas cheer....

This year has been a hard year and to be completely honest I just want it to be over! So putting up the christmas tree was bittersweet... I didnt WANT to but also didnt want Ollies first christmas to be christmas tree free. We put on some christmas music and decorated the tree and it was actually really nice!
... it did add some christmas cheer!

... so our christmas season has officially began.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Uncle Ryno.

Included in Ollies christmas shoot were a few family pics....

Uncle Ryno and Ollie.... Ollie looks like Ryan's mini-me!!

 Love this one!!!

It so sweet cause Ryan is super smitten with Oliver - he gets upset if he comes to visit and Ollie is slepeing :)