Monday 9 October 2017


My poor kiddies have been sick - Charley teething which always turns into an upper respiratory infection and Ollie had Bronciolitis - Mike stayed home with the kids on Monday and I stayed home with Ollie on Tuesday - Charley was much better by then so we sent her to Ouma and I got to spend some one on one time with an almost better Ollie. This hasn't happened in forever - Just the two of us. Ollie had stopped vomiting but was still very chesty so we tried to be as quiet as possible (which lasted a whole 2 hours)... we watched some TV (I tried to nap because we had many sleepless nights leading up to this day but Ollie wouldn't have it!)
 Ollie brought all his "friends" to lie on the couch with him...
 We sat and played lego for about 2 hours, we had to use every single block of lego. I told Ollie my hands were getting too sore to build anymore so he proceeded to give my hands a massage and told me to have at it.

 He then all of a sudden had lots of energy and needed some fresh air... so the patio it was.

As tired as I was (and flip I was tired) I really cherished some time alone with my boy! He seemed to thrive with my full attention and it made both of our hearts so happy!
Lets do it again boy BUT not when you are sick and not when I am exhausted ok!

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