Friday 11 May 2018


We are not yet at the point that Ollie will let me leave him at Sunday school.... he is now 5 – I should be able to leave him – but he will not have it! I see complete fear and insecurity in his face when I try and leave him and despite the long talk in the car about leaving him I just cannot do it. There will come a time when he will no longer need me.... but at this stage he still does.  Mike has started band again so its ended up that I have both kids on Sunday mornings and that means that C Bear comes with us to Ollies Sunday school . The first few weeks she sat quietly on my lap and was a little angel BUT as the weeks have worn on and the more comfortable she gets she feels like she is one of the big kids and wants to do EVERTYTHING Ollie does meaning I spend my morning running around after them both. Gosh.  Can you see the fatigue in my face....
BUT I am trying to embrace this stage as mentioned they will not need me forever.

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