Tuesday 9 May 2017

What a mom does..

I have realized over and over again that being a mom is the most rewarding (and exhausting) role I will ever play. I find joy in my children's joy and pain in their pain and I, on occasion, do whatever it takes to keep the peace.
This could mean anything from giving someone an extra sweety because they asked so nicely (even though they already had 5) or sitting in our driveway at home after arriving home a half hour before just so my littlest one can have a decent nap.

 When Oliver was born I struggled a lot with selfishness. One thing that I remember well is that I would struggle so much if Oliver woke up at our food time because I didn't want to eat with one hand or have cold food or eat in shifts - it sounds so silly but for the first few months it was something that would make me so angry! And anyone who has kiddies know that when the food arrives, no matter what time, the kids tend to wake up....
I learnt so much with Oliver and I had to check myself more than a few times regarding my innate selfishness, it taught me how selfish I really was - who knew!
Ollie was 3 and a half when Charley was born and we were out of the hectic faze of having a baby and I was worried a bit that our life would feel like it was turned upside down again and my selfishness would rear its ugly head. By the grace of God that hasn't been the case at all and with Charley came joy and laughter and I have viewed something like sitting in the car in the driveway while Charley naps as an opportunity to put on an audio book and relax a bit.
Thank goodness for do-overs, Charley has been my redemption baby and showed me what motherhood could be like when selfishness isn't a factor.

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