Tuesday 22 August 2017

Busy weekend

Our weekend past was a very busy one, lovely but busy and a bit tiring.
We did however accomplish quite a lot which makes my heart happy!

I started spray painting our new/old chairs... but ran out of paint! I will have to resume next weekend!

 We also finally decided to just do a quick fix regarding the Caravan flooring - I have my eye on some lovely flooring but its a bit costly so we will do that at some point but for now this flooring cost us R195 and its all done and looking fresh and clean. Mike did an amazing job installing it on sunday afternoon while I got some quality time with the kiddies!

 Charley and I joined daddy at some point and we aired out the awining and played on the grass.

We have precious friends over on Saturday and Ollie helped me make all the pizza.... flour everywhere - I mean everywhere BUT so worth the mess!
 And we brought out some old toys that Charley has never seen (such delight in her face) and that Ollie hasnt played with in a while...

All in all a very good, constructive weekend!
Cheers to the next one!

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