Thursday, 29 March 2018

Tag along...

On Sunday Mike was church band for the first time in a long time which was so lovely to see! The kids LOVED seeing him on stage and so did I. SO for that reason C Bear tagged along with Ollie and I to Sunday school which to be honest was so lovely.... It was nice having both my babies with me at Sunday school and C Bear really just fitted in so well.
I did laugh so loud though because as soon as kids worship starts Ollie covers his ears and this time with Charley on my lap when the signing became loud she just burst into tears and cried all through worship. As soon as the noise level died down she stopped – I had to laugh – Just like her brother.
SO we are still struggling to leave Ollie at Sunday school on his own – he will still cry if his one friend isn’t there hence me staying with him. I try to remember that this won’t always be the case and that one day I will miss him needing me... so for now I will happily tag along until he is more comfortable to be left on his own.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

First ever sports day...

Yesterday the 28th was the first ever sports day for Ollie and he LOVED it!
I was able to take the morning off and be there to help his class with whatever was needed and during that time, running around helping kids, getting smiles from Ollie and being front and centre I was reminded that this is what life is about.
I have the privilege of working for someone who understands and agrees that family comes first so on days like sports day, teachers meetings, if I have a sick child I have the freedom to be available to them. I am forever grateful that I don’t miss out on the sweetness of each of my children’s seasons. Ollie blossoms when we are available and involved in school events, he proudly tells his friends that I am his mom and I am helping – I am feeling extremely blessed to able to be a part of such days.
Ollie was also super chuffed that his bandanna made him into a Ninja!! 

My girl...

 My girl is full of personality!!

She loves to find her brothers underwear and parade around in them... and she loves to wear anything her head like a hat.
She make us laugh constantly and her personality shines through like a light in a dark room.

Monday, 26 March 2018

Sneak Peak...

A Sneak peak of our family shoot on Saturday - I cannot wait to see the rest!

I love these 3... they truly are my sunshine!

Friday, 23 March 2018

School fun...

There has been LOTS going on at school this last few weeks - its water week so the kids had to make a poster - as you can see Ollie wasn't all that interested so his dad "helped" him....

They also had a show about healthy eating - can you spot my child?
Nothing has changed in the last 2 years - even walking into church he covers his ears still....

We also had a parent / teacher meeting yesterday and the feedback we got was so positive. Ollie is 100% coping and thriving in class, he is coping with the work load which consists of writing, maths, copying, tracing etc - I was amazed at his work books... My heart is so happy!!

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Party fun...

A few weeks ago we went to Sam's second birthday - at his last party Charley was 4 months old and had just started solids. Now she is walking and taking - gosh!!

They had lots of fun drawing on the driveway... C Bear copying her big brother.


On Tuesday night the kiddies both slept at their grandparents and gave Mike and I a very rare date night and sleep in on Wednesday morning.
The rules we had when we were kids no longer apply and it has been that Ollie sleeps in my parents bed with them - BUT as he is getting bigger and C Bear is here their bed is no longer big enough :)
Dad had a very good idea about setting up their camping stretcher for Ollie and he LOVED it!

Charley is still in her campcot BUT she was a bit unsettled due to teething so she ended up in their bed before midnight so just as well Ollie was on the stretcher or there would have been no space!
I love how excited the kiddies were about sleeping over and how spoilt they get!

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

My littlest...

My littlest, a ray of pure sunshine!
You currently love dancing, books and playing with you big brother who is delighted you are now able to actually play with him... you two giggle at each other all day.
It makes my heart so happy!