Sunday 10 November 2013


Ollie is so much better - thank goodness!!! he is back to his old self -smiling, eating, sleeping well (bliss) so we went to church on sunday!! He was dressed in his new onsie that his aunt bought him from the isle of man - a winner for sure!!!
He had a nap before church instead of during church like he normally does... so after worship I took him into the foyer and fed him and then we had play time! They do have a speaker so I can hear the preach BUT to he honest I cannot concentrace long enough with this little one to hear all of it...

 Hows this frown :)

 We then went to do some shopping and have some lunch - little boy is big enough to sit in the feeding chairs now.... I cannot belive it!!!!!!!
(all happy families unitl he got niggly and mike and I had to take turns eating our food cause he was tired and didnt want to sit or lie down.... goodness! sometimes not worth going out for a meal :)
 while I was shpping (desperatly needing work clothes which I got - yay!!) Mike and Ollie went to visit his granny and grandpa.... he looks so happy!!
and then my folks have been away for the weekend and wanted to see Ollie so we had a quick pit stop on the way home.... eating again!!! All I ever seem to do is feed this child :)

a good day all in all - tiring but good!!

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