Yesterday we helped in the kitchen at our doggy club. They had a show and needed some people to make the food and serve tea. It was really cool cause we hadn't seen a show before and everyone was super good and answered all our questions!
We belong to the "German Shepard dog club" - its really funny cause our dogs are the size of most of the other dogs heads!
Mike made bacon and egg rolls and tea and coffee... i made toasted sarmies and greeted everyone with a smile :)
This was all the doggy prizes - so lovely!!!
This was the dog ring... the dogs did so well!!
Last night we had friends over for dinner - i do Sunday school with Brett and Chan (they have three amazing children) and have been meaning to invite them for dinner for months! Last night they finally came over and it was such a cool evening - we some invaluable nuggets of marriage advice and kid advice - was AWESOME!
I made chicken pie... one of my all time favorite dinner makings cause its so easy and so delicious!
this is it uncooked... looks ok but not yet delicious!
and cooked... too yummy!!
Mike did our menu on our blackboard as normal...
Love hosting dinners and having people over!!!
Love that you used extras to spell pie! Menu: also very fun! my dream kitchen will have a chalkboard cupboard door and a cork board cupboard door.