September is the month for two of our family members birthdays and one friends - Katelyn on the 18th, dad Brits on the 21st and Ryan my brother on the 22nd. The first we celebrated was dads with dinner at mom and dads with Aunty Cathy an old family friend!
Dad opening his presents.... what could it be?
dads favorite...
Choccies in a nice glass jar that mom can refill with biscuits!
Some family pics to remember dads 69th birthday -
mom made dad a birthday cake and it was delicious!!
mom also made wheat free choc brownies and they really were delicious!! i had mine with a glass of milk!
Mom enjoying a brownie and tea!
What a lovely evening!!!
The next night Ryan and Katelyn came for dinner for some birthday celebrations! at home when it was our birthdays we got to choose our birthday dinners so i let Ryan choose - he chose Chutney chicken and chips... so that was our menu!!
This was me playing father Christmas and handing out their presents...
opening pressies...
Ryan brought Nala with too....
and then he proceeded to decorate her with his birthday bow...
lots of chit chat, chit chat after dinner.
Happy birthday all September peeps!!!
Happy Birthday All :)