Kate brought little Jabu to puppy school on Saturday - this little doggie had parvo when she was little (very nearly died) and has lost her little "fingers" on her right leg due to this... she was brought into the vet by her owner and seeing as was so sick they never ever came back to fetch her - that makes me so mad i would like to track these people down!! Kate (being the amazing person she is) has now "fostered" Jabu as she cant stand this beautiful little creature being locked in a cage all day every day so Jabu goes home with her in the evenings and weekends!! I recon she will be adopted very soon by Kate and her family as everyone seems to have fallen in love with her already!... let me tell you Jabu is the most beautiful little pup and she looks at Kate as if she knows Kate saved her life!!
At home Kate and her parents have 4 dogs already so bringing Jabu into the picture wasn't an easy decision to make... what amazes me the most is how these doggies seem to love Jabu just as much as Kate does!!! This is Wallace and Jabu playing together at puppy school - he was playing so gently as her right leg is still very sore (she cant walk on it yet so her nickname is tripod)
The four doggies at Kates home have welcomed Jabu with open arms.... they dont care that she is sick and has half an arm... they dont care that she wasn't "born" into their little family, they dont care that she was abandonded they just love her and have welcomed her as part of their family! They are completely blind to her imprefections...
Why cant we be more like dogs?
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