Monday 4 February 2013

Stocking up....

Pay day comes (and goes way too quickly :) and we find ourselves stocking up on the things ALL parents say we will never have enough of!!! We have been collecting nappies and wet wipes for a couple of months to save us money later on..... spend now, feel like we're not spending all at once later!

Today we got some more wet wipes, nappie packets and the cutest thing ever - a little duck nail clipper!!

 Isn't that just the cutest thing ever - I could NOT resist!!
 Our drawers are busting....
 and our nappy stash is looking wonderful!! Thank you husband for understanding that planning like this makes my heart happy and makes me feel like i am preparing for our bundle of love!!

We were also advised to make a sign for baby's bed in hospital asking the nurses not to bottle feed or give baby a dummy.... the reason behind this is that if baby gets a dummy or bottle before he / she has successfully breast fed it will make it so difficult to breast feed later on!
We have nothing against bottles or dummies BUT we just want to make sure that we breast feed first.... I was worried this sign might come across cheeky BUT Barbara (our antenatal coach) informed us this is the best way to get this across. Mike made it look pretty and i think it will serve its purpose :)

8 - 10 more weeks till baby comes (EEEEEK).....

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