Friday, 22 June 2012

Oh gosh...

I love and then HATE technology at the same time! My phone went on the blink AGAIN - the second time in a couple of months and after three MTN store visits, 5 help line calls and way to many people telling to "just reboot your phone" (like I couldn't have thought of that myself) it has been found that my phone is infact blacklisted! How can that be you ask - I have no idea and niether does any of the MTN staff.... so annoying! They gave me this phone back after my other one packed up and now a couple of months later its blacklisted! I waited my turn in the queue....

Thank goodness for my Kindle!!!
Handed my phone in for an upgrade (by this time we didn't realize it was blacklisted)... went for lunch... got back.... got the bad news, got back in line and eventually handed in my phone!
So no BBM or whatsapps for me for 7-10 working days! GOSH!

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