Saturday 12 November 2011

Old friends reunite!

Jaysh and i used to work at Liberty together for something like 6 or 7 years!! We became best buds and our friendship grew so much!! She was there when i met mike, listened to all my stories of him... eventually a bridesmaid at my wedding!!
Then she left to work for Discovery and i moved office... but still we keep in touch! She was knows as "raj 1" and i was "raj 2" (private joke)
Jaysh is now married and almost 4 months pregnant!!! Her and Claude came for dinner last night and it was SO amazing to catch up with them!!
I made homemade pizza...
Mike wrote on the menu board...
and we waited for our friends to arrive - even timmy was waiting!! how cute is his little leg hanging over the couch!!
This is Jaysh, glowing like a preggy woman only can!!!!
Raj 1 and Raj 2 back together :)

I made some crumpets last night for pudding and i couldn't resist making them in my cool shapes!
.. and as i said about the eggs they DEFINITELY tasted better being in groovy shapes!!

What a lovely evening, i love forever friends!!

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