Thursday 19 April 2012

Loving the small things!

I have been finding joy in the small things lately - appreciating a delicious cup of tea made my mike in the mornings for me, 10min of free time to read, watching my favorite movie while i cook... all the things that make my heart happy!
Two things that made my heart happy on Monday was some delicious popcorn for lunch....

 AND shopping for stationary... aaah pure bliss! I needed a clutch pencil for my Beth Moore course homework (or so I told myself) so I spent and hour in the stationary shop choosing which one I want!!
 Last but by no means least my Esther homework - i have been LOVING it so much!!
One thing from this weeks homework that has stood out to me HUGELY is this statement "BETTER TO BE A SERVANT IN GODS KINGDOM THAN A RULER IN OUR OWN".... oh man!!
Think on that for a while!

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