Thursday 2 June 2011

A wonderfull evening...

On Tuesday night was homegroup and as i mentioned earlier we are doing the "vintage Jesus" series by Mark Driscoll... so for the series we all get to homegroup a little earlier to share a meal. There are two girls from Mauritius doing YOYL (year of your life) at church and they were staying with Ruthie and Jurgens (our homegroup leaders) until about two weeks ago when they went to stay with someone else for a while. Mudhvi was missing everyone and asked us to fetch her for homegroup and OF COURSE we did... we're missing her too!! We both wore our winter boots cause its chilly...

Us taking some pics - she makes me laugh so much!!!

and of course one of my and Mike :) by the best tree we own cause we don't have to water it!
For our homegroup meal we had boerewors rolls - the boys (big and little) braai'd the wors and us ladies made sure all the goodies were on the table ready to eat.
A lovely evening all around, i really do look forward to our Tuesday nights!

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