Seeing as we moved offices to a much better area and there is a gym just across the road i decided it was time to GET HEALTHY and do this thing!
I joined a gym called
Its a ladies only gym, its consists of a 30 minute circuit where you do cardio in between each machine! I started yesterday and decided to go this morning before work as i was leaving earlier today... and i am feeling so much better already!!
The music pumps, everyone is there for the same reason and i really do love the work out! I went in for an assessment and got a nasty surprise...
basically i have to loose 7kgs and 9% body fat! I was weighed and measured.... i was seriously self conscious going in but already feel like i am making positive changes so i am amped! I had a perfect eating day yesterday and again today so lets hope it sticks! AND apart from my morning gym session i took the doggies for a 4klm walk this afternoon! every month they weigh and measure me, i can see what changes i have made month to month to with regards to my work out and if i am getting stronger or not and if i need to work out harder in certain avenues. you get this really groovy access card thing that you plug into each machine and from that they can monitor you and the process you are making! I love structure, i love seeing if i have done well or not, i love being able to track my success and i love "keeping score" of certain things so this is perfect for me! After my 100th work out my name will appear on the wall (which i cant wait for) and there are little tit bits of health information posted all over the walls! One of the best things for me is there is NO huge mirror plastered onto the wall so you can see how you are jiggling when you're working out! Very cool. The trainers are amazing and help you out when you need it - correct the way you're using the machines etc so its awesome!
Here is too a GOOD health and fitness month... i will keep you updated on my success (being positive about my next weigh in) so i can be accountable for staying on track!
Ahh, I am so proud of you!!!! That is all so organised and I wish I was there to do it all with you!!!! Sounds amazing and keep it up girl.