Saturday 7 May 2011

Holly graduating grade one!!

Today was the day Holly graduated grade on in her puppy school class! And boy did she do well!!! There a few things they test for... i'll name the few i can remember.
They test for puppy behaviour like how they walk and sit etc, they test how they react to a unknown person and dog, they test how they react to noise, how they take food, how they are groomed, if we know how to take care of them, how we play with them... there are a few more but i cant think of them now!
This was Holly doing her "down" position. They have to do the three basic puppy positions - down, sit and stand - they also have to do a 10 second stay on whichever position we chose - Holly did her 10 second stay in the "sit" position... that is her best one... she can stay that way for hours!!
This was Holly showing she wasnt nervous or vicious with an unknown dog - needless to say she sat and was totally fine with the german shepard, she was actually TOO friendly and just wanted to kiss him!
A very proud momma and Holly after we were presented with her ribbon and certificate... we even were clapped for :)
And Holly ended the day off with a nap on my chest like a really little baby! She did so well today and worked so hard that a nap was definitely needed!
Well done precious girl - we are all so proud of you!!

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