Friday, 13 May 2011

Snip snip

Shame, Timmy went for the snip yesterday... i took him into the vet at 7am and was able to fetch him at 3pm. Timmy was so fine when i took him in, he was so busy sniffing his little cage that he didn't even say goodbye to me - while i was a bit hurt i was happier that he wasn't scared or crying! The vet called at about 10am and before my heart stopped (cause i thought it was bad news) he just told me that Tim's had some baby teeth that hadn't come out on their own so he wanted to take them out! The vet said he was all fine and well and just wanted to take his teeth out while he was under to avoid having to do that again!
This is Timmy's little holding cell in the morning.... i actually think he enjoyed it! I slept in a t-shirt that i left with him so he would feel safe, and of course moo-moo went with him to keep him company!
This was timmy when i fetch him, he really was all drugged up!
He slept most of afternoon in many different positions trying to get comfy!
On a pillow next to me..
On his (and my) fav blanket..
It was so cute when Holly came home, we had dropped her off with our parents for the day, Timmy little tail just wagged and wagged - he was so happy to see his sister!
They had a looong kiss and then they fell asleep on my pillow!
Timmy eventually found his spot on his pillow next to the couch and snuggled for the evening!
For the first time ever the doggies slept in our bed with us last night... i wanted to keep an eye on Timmy and holly just comes with the package! They were really good and slept the whole night by us... I really had to twist mikes arm to let they sleep by us and in the end we all slept well and i made sure Timmy was ok!!

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