Saturday, 9 April 2011

Farmers market.

We woke up early this morning to go to farmers market - we love it and the doggies always come with us. There is the most divine food there, nice crafty stuff, cheeses, muffins, jewelry.... and there are doggies running around everywhere.
This was Timmy on the way on Mike's shoulder... and Holly on my lap... their excitement mounting!
We walked around and looked at all the craft tables.... Mike had a coffee and egg and bacon roll for breakfast and I had a hot chocolate and a fruit smoothy - DELISH!
We met Dennis and Lyndall there and it was lovely!!
On the way home we had some fun taking pics of the doggies - Timmy perched himself on my shoulders (his usual spot) and Holly feel alseep on my lap (her usual spot)
and Timmy loving sticking his face in the wind.... love this pic!!
We then popped into the pet shop in the way home to get Timmy a new collar, the one we bought him the second day we got him is feeling a bit snug these days! We also got them each a bone to eat and another yellow bone that we are going to be training Timmy with.
We weighed Timmy and Holly last night after a heated debate of who weighs what! I was convinced that Timmy was under 2kg's and Holly couldn't be more than 1.6kgs.... turns out i was wrong - ooops!! Mike was right - there i said it!
Timmy now weighs 2.8kgs and Holly is a whopping 2kgs... I know it sounds like nothing but Timmy was 650grams when we got him... they are getting so big!!
This is just some training with them... This is Mike teaching Timmy how to "fetch"
This is Mike doing a bit of "heeling" training... we got this DVD on how to train them and this is the first step... I know it doesn't seem to help with heeling BUT he dvd is amazing and the results are going to good i think! Its a process... Training them with the clicker... and we are going to filter in the clicker at doggy training today too if i can manage

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