Friday, 15 April 2011

Office move - really?

We got notification two weeks ago saying we will be moving on the 11th - to date we have not moved! We moved all our files, all the thing we are not working on right now over to the new office so when the time comes to actually move its only my desk and files to move!
Our telephone lines are not moved over and we got notification today saying our internet systems will probably only be up and running next week cause our management didn't bother to make the necessary arrangements! Great!
BUT on the up side our new offices are SO much better than what we have now - smaller but much better! This is the view from our balcony.... this is kinda the atrium in the middle of the building... office all the way around and up. We are only on the 2nd floor which is LOVELY..
This is our new office as of Wednesday....
This is the outside of our building - lovely. Musgrave has such a nice view!
The best thing is right across the road, and I mean right across the road is a curves gym - i am going to check it out, go for a look and hopefully join the gym so i can get healthy and fit! Not sure what the monthly cost is but hope its affordable! The best part is they seem to be really hands on with weigh-ins and measuring and tracking your progress... very cool! AND they have a pregnancy program so when Mike and I choose to get pregnant I can gym safely and gym all through my pregnancy which is really good for our future baby!! When I went to the gyne last month i promised Dr. Cznocki that I would be fitter and be exercising on a regular basis the next time he saw me - so trying to keep my promise!!

1 comment:

  1. Your offices look lovely and I'm soooo jealous you are right near Musgrave AND a GYM!!! No more excuses hey... Enjoy it, a change of scenery is always good for the soul.
