Monday, 11 April 2011

Monday madness.

Don't you just hate Monday madness... I don't normally fear Mondays but when they start of on the wrong footing you just kinda know its not going to get better! Today started of with me having a mini tantrum with my toothbrush in my hand cause we forgot to put on the geyser yesterday so I have to have a COLD shower this morning! Mike said he could totally see the humor in it at the time BUT didn't dare laugh at me - mike didn't think it was a "mini" tantrum but I maintain it was.... work was busy and hectic and the day was just one of those days! On the way home I was just thinking "thank goodness its over"... my parents invited us for dinner - stew, yum, so all i had to do when i got home was do a quick tidy up, a bit of washing and then go for dinner! I had planned on having a looooong bath when I got home with my book in hand... and then on the way home Mike cars temperature was too high - we had to pull over and the car was overheating so much we had to call my dad to tow us... only got home after 6:30pm... had a very quick shower, went to my folks for a nice hot dinner and then come home just now!
All my plans went down the window and the cleaning and washing will have to wait till tomorrow.
On a brighter note i popped in to see your new offices today and they are awesome!! So much prettier and in such a better area! I have made a pact with mike to take my walking clothes to work with me and walk in the afternoons as the area is brilliant and I'll have the time to exercise! there are a few gyms around the area but debating if its worth joining at this stage... we'll see!
So yay for today being over... I look forward to an amazing nights sleep and a more positive day tomorrow!
Winnie the pooh always cheers me up - I needed some inspiration and I found it!!
Thank you pooh bear!

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