Thursday, 7 April 2011

Pick n' Pay.

Today for the first time I ordered my groceries online. I went onto Pick n' Pays website, ordered all my groceries and they delivered them to my door! What a pleasure.
I love love love this! I order only what I need, I am not tempted to buy anything else.
We are trying our best to use our money wisely these days, no wasted food, no unnecessary spending.... so hoping this month is a good one!!
Pick n' Pay also have a new smart card system where the more you shop the more points you get and for each point you get it gets converted into rands for bonus spending later on - and with the online shopping you can add your smart card number and get smart points!
Delivered straight to my kitchen - what a pleasure.
You just sign your slip and off they go again!

I was rather domestic today - I was inspired to clean you my grocery cupboard and I made some butternut soup and some pea soup, bagged them and froze them!
One step closer to being a bit more healthy.
I have also found that taking the time to "decant" certain things makes them last longer. I usually repack prepacked meat... into smaller portions - and our cheese always last longer when I take the time to grate the cheese blocks and freeze! So I grated all four blocks - HUGE mission but worth it.

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